September 21, 2024

A “precious son” and “devoted” father of two who passed away after an accident in Oundle has received tributes.
On January 5, 2022, Tom Sturgess of Desborough passed away after being hit by Emily Saunders’ Ford Ranger pick-up truck while he was unloading scaffolding poles on Glapthorn Road in Oundle.

Saunders, 28, of Main Street, Upper Benefield, was charged with causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving after an investigation.
After a trial at Northampton Crown Court on April 25, Saunders was found guilty and given a sentence of nine months in jail with a two-year suspension.
Tom’s mother paid tribute to her son after the trial with a message that read, “My precious son, Tom.” My heart was overflowing with love and happiness the day you were born. I was in awe of you as my gorgeous boy as I held you in my arms!

“I will always treasure the more than 33 years I got to spend with you as my son. I am incredibly proud of you. More than words could ever express, I miss you. Every memory I have of you will endure forever; some will make me laugh, some will make me cry.


“I’ll continue mentioning you and calling you by name. I’m not going to allow anyone to be scared to mention your name since talking about you makes me happy and always will. All I want is to have held your hand that terrible day and made everything better.

“At a time when you had so many goals and dreams to realise, you were stolen from us way too soon. My heart will always hold you until our paths cross again. Love you, Tom, my sweet son, Mum xxx. Forever and ever.

“Losing Tom has been the hardest thing I have ever had to come to terms with,” stated Tom’s partner. In addition to my partner, I have also lost my family, my closest friend, my future, and my support system. Tom was my pillar of support.

“Though the outcome at Northampton Crown Court won’t bring him back, we believe Tom has received some justice.”

The most difficult thing is that I will never be able to make him laugh, smile, listen, or love me in the same manner that he did. In addition, everything that we all take for granted at the present is small.

In a statement, Tom’s two children noted that their father was only thirty years old when he died in a horrible accident that may have been prevented. He still had his entire life ahead of him. He was a funny, charming, and amusing figure that, regrettably, is no longer with us.

Just a few weeks before their ninth and eleventh birthdays, his two children, then eight and ten, were brutally snatched from their father.

They adore their father, cherish the memories they have of him, and find great joy in his goofy and enjoyable company on the weekends. After a wonderful weekend, they used to run through the door smiling and laughing, but now there is simply stillness.

“Apart from in spirit, our daughter will never have a father to accompany her down the aisle. Without his father to mentor him, our son will have to grow up alone. Tom will never get to watch his kids grow up, attend college, get married, own their first home, or have kids of their own.

“Our children will never again have their loving father because Tom was snatched from them too soon. The kids meant the world to him and played a significant role in his life. Nothing will ever be able to replace Tom, and life will never be the same again. He is genuinely and profoundly missed.

On April 26, Saunders was found guilty and given a sentence of nine months in jail, two years of suspension, and a three-year driving ban with an extended test requirement before she can get her licence back.

She was also mandated to perform 210 hours of unpaid labour and handed a three-month electronically tagged overnight restriction between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Following the incident, Detective Sergeant Janette Maitland, the investigating officer, made the following statement: “Tom Sturgess was a much-loved young man, an adored son, a devoted father to two children, with his whole life ahead of him.”

“Nothing can compensate for the unending suffering and loss experienced by all those who love Tom, or bring him back. Since they now know that justice has been served and the guilty party has been held accountable, I hope that this trial’s completion will at least provide them with some closure.

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