September 22, 2024

The Rothwell family has expressed gratitude for the skilled attorney’s efforts in uniting the club under a single ownership during that period and in his subsequent efforts to help Latics establish a strong foundation for the future.

Drawing on his prior experience with The Football Association and Wigan Warriors, where he was chairman from 1998 to 2000, Norbury was called in by the Rothwells when they decided to purchase the club, stadium, and land as a family.

According to a statement released by the club, “As Director Peter Norbury retires from the Board, Oldham Athletic would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude for all of his work on the club’s behalf.

“Over the past two years, Peter has been a crucial player behind the scenes, and as a club, we are incredibly appreciative of the tremendous influence he has had on so many important issues.

“Peter is a well-respected and very experienced lawyer. The Rothwell family benefited much from his knowledge, skill, and diligence both before and after the club takeover.

“The purchase was completed because to Peter’s diligence, ability to handle complicated situations, and dedication to the takeover. We will always be grateful for his efforts during this time in particular.

Since then, Peter has been a vital player in several important club initiatives, including as the sale of Boundary Park and the surrounding land, the club’s retail ventures, and adjustments to other important operational departments.

“Peter will always be a close friend of the football team and the Rothwell family since he has always been steady and dependable in all of his duties as a director.

“As Peter now steps down from the Board, he does so with the best wishes of everyone at Oldham Athletic and our wholehearted thanks for all of his work.”

Directors Luke Rothwell and Su Schofield expressed a particular thanks to Norbury’s work on behalf of the Rothwell family.

“Dad suggested we needed a legal project manager when we decided we wanted to get serious about buying the club,” the group stated.

For what will be the most important decision we have ever made, we needed the greatest attorney available. We anticipated that there would be many parties involved and very complex legal challenges. We required an experienced individual who recognised that decisions must be made decisively, based on wise counsel and opinion, and that nothing is risk-free in the world. Above all, we needed someone we can trust.

All of this and more is Peter. He has been a family friend and neighbour since the late 1980s, so trust is really important. Having worked with The FA, been chairman of Wigan Warriors, and a partner at Eversheds, among other notable legal positions, we were aware of his high regard in the legal community.

But working with him makes it clear why he’s had such a successful career. He evaluates circumstances fast, identifies the main hazards, and expresses his view clearly. Most solicitors just draw attention to every danger, sow doubt, and impede decision-making.

“It’s noteworthy that he shares his father’s work ethic. He always took on projects that others weren’t interested in.

Although we are sad that Peter has chosen to resign from the Board, we

are pleased that he will be able to spend more time with Josie when she retires. We doubt Peter’s superbrain will ever take a break!

“Peter and his lovely wife Josie are aware that the boardroom is always open to them.”

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