September 22, 2024

A POLICE investigation into two distinct violent flashpoints that erupted in a St Helens pub during the middle of the week is still ongoing.

The events took place in Maloney’s pub on Westfield Street early on Thursday, May 23.

After being questioned by the Star about the situation, police issued an appeal for information and CCTV footage and closed off the front of the bar for the majority of Thursday’s daylight hours.

One man needs eye surgery after getting glasses in his face. One man was knocked out in the other event.

Police have expressed worry that this part of the town centre is a hot place for violence, which coincides with the assaults.

What is currently known?

When officers arrived at the bar, they discovered a man who had been hit in the face with a glass and had injuries to his head and eyes.

The victim, a 30-year-old guy, was brought to the hospital to receive treatment for an eye injury.

Police then discovered that a man had been kicked in the face and dragged to the ground during a second confrontation that happened that evening.

When a security guard attempted to assist, he was struck in the chin and rendered unconscious.

According to authorities, the second victim of this incident has chosen not to file a formal complaint.

How far along is the investigation?

In an attempt to identify the culprits in the two assaults, CCTV and witness inquiries are still underway.

Three guys have been included in pictures released by detectives who think they could help with their investigation. What statements have the police made?

“Both assaults were very nasty attacks, especially the man who was glassed in the face and is still in the hospital for surgery to his eye,” Detective Inspector Richard Shillito stated.

“Nobody should have to worry about being attacked or face any form of violence in order to enjoy a night out.

“I’m pleading with the guys in the pictures, or anyone who knows them, to come forward.

“We think they might have information that will be important to our ongoing investigations.”

How to get in touch with the police
The Merseyside Police Contact Centre on Facebook or @MerPolCC on Twitter are the places to go if you have any information on this event. Use the reference 24000464277.

You can also make an anonymous call to Crimestoppers at 0800 555 111 or 101.

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