September 22, 2024

EFL chairman Rick Parry has welcomed the Government’s move to establish an independent football regulator when the Football Governance Bill is introduced in parliament on Tuesday.

The bill will give authority to a group to manage teams in England’s top five divisions, which will be independent of the government and football authorities.

In February 2023, the government stated that it will name a regulator after a review conducted by fans in 2022; Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called this “a historic moment for football fans”.

The Football Governance Bill was submitted to Parliament today, which the EFL welcomes as a significant step towards ensuring the long-term financial viability of England’s football pyramid.
The regulator will have authority over enhancing clubs’ financial viability, guaranteeing league-wide financial stability, and preserving English football’s legacy.

Parry stated: “If implemented properly, this historic legislation can provide the independent input ultimately required to help ensure that all clubs can survive and grow in a fair and competitive environment, which can help fix the game’s broken financial model.”

“The foundation of this reform will be the creation of an independent football regulator, and we are happy that the regulator will have the authority to act as a backup in the event that the game is unable to reach a settlement on its own.

We have been collaborating on a cross-party basis with the government and other members of parliament in recent years. It’s evident that people understand the value professional clubs bring to their communities and the reasons they should be safeguarded.

“We are happy that the government has committed to the State of the Game Review, as this will serve as the foundation for the independent regulator’s efforts to make the game financially viable.

“While working with EFL clubs, lawmakers, and officials to ensure that the Football Governance Bill is appropriate for its intended use and can provide the best regulatory framework to protect our game for future generations, the League looks forward to participating in that review.”


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