September 22, 2024

On Sunday, March 17 at 3pm, the West Cumbrian side will play Swinton at the Ortus Rec.

Recently, Whitehaven fell to Workington Town in a local derby for the Ike Southward Trophy.

Head coach Jonty Gorley stated: “It was disappointing because the guys followed my instructions instead of playing as we had in previous games.

“It was 16-0 early on, so they may have gotten a little too comfortable when they shouldn’t have.

“It would be unfortunate if they lost focus; there had been no infractions or mistakes up until that point. When we reached 16-0 in the following set, we coughed up the ball.

“They scored on that set when we errored and then we didn’t complete another set and they scored again, Joey then got sin-binned, and they got three tries while he was off.”

“I was thinking about our lads’ fitness after the Widnes game because it was pre-season,” he continued.

“I’m still satisfied with the level of fitness; the only thing that needs improvement is that when we make mistakes, we don’t have to start over or make more mistakes.

“I believe that on Workington’s first or second attempt, we made a mistake, restarted, and penalised.

“It’s our own fault; after making mistakes, we need to exercise greater discipline in our actions. Although it would be ideal if we didn’t make mistakes in the first place, we don’t need to make things worse.

“Guy Graham made a fantastic tackle and Dion handed up a penalty; instead of continuing, Dion simply put his hands on the guy, which is now considered a flop. We had a conversation about this topic three or four weeks ago.

“I think we’ve got the square markers in our head, which we are supposed to be doing anyhow.”

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