Green Party candidate press statement reveal’s.

THE Green Party has announced their election candidate for the Romsey and Southampton North constituency.

Connor Shaw will run in the next general election.

He previously ran for Test Valley Borough Council and Hampshire County Council, and he spoke in front of a crowd at a protest outside DEFRA about saving chalk streams.

Mr Shaw, a lifetime Wallops resident, is a social and environmental campaigner.

He stated, “Growing up in this region, I’ve witnessed what 14 years of Tory cuts have done to our community. Rural bus services are now virtually non-existent, and that is only touching the surface.

I’m running for the Green Party because I believe that becoming green is the only way ahead. The United Kingdom was booming, but we have once again become the sick man of Europe. As a young person, I know that our schools are not’some of the best in the country’: underfunding, salary conflicts, and service cuts have damaged our community. “The Greens want to right the Tory wrongs.”

Mr Shaw went on to say, “Our local community not only loves our chalk streams; they are a part of our identity. My primary school shirt featured an emblem of the Wallop Brook, while my high school logo was a trout. Both demonstrate how intertwined our culture is with these valuable ecosystems.

Tory cuts have had an impact on more than just the rivers: long NHS waiting lines, almost no NHS dentists available for new patients, expensive bills, low incomes, and children going hungry in schools that are literally breaking apart. This is not the future I desire; is it the one you want for your children?

“The Green Party is the only party in the United Kingdom that recognises our country’s immense potential. Green initiatives would result in clearer rivers, healthier air, lower costs, and hope. Hope not only for a few millionaires, but for a better, greener, more equitable future for all.

We are experiencing a national deficit of hope. We need hopeful progressive politicians more than ever. The Tories and Labour do not provide hope; the Green Party does. I aspire to be the progressive, forward-thinking, positive politician that we so sorely need. I love my nation, and I want to be a voice in my community.



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