September 21, 2024

But he admits that for him as a manager one of the keys things is being able to tell just when his players are ready to seize their ‘moment’

Manager of BARROW AFC Pete Wild says he must be prepared to continue providing his players with their “moment” to shine.

Ben Whitfield, for instance, who netted Barrow’s lone goal in the team’s 2-1 derby loss to Morecambe. Whits seemed to be reaching a point where he was truly prepared to move forward.

“We must identify those moments, ensure that they last, and ensure that the players are on the team during those times.”

It concerns ensuring that, when called upon, we perform to the best of our abilities.

And it’s up to me to determine which players are on it or off it so that we may select the top squads and teams accordingly.

The results speak for themselves when it comes to the decisions that Wild and his team have made this season; yet, the Barrow manager acknowledges that while he may offer players a chance, they must be ready to accept it.

He went on, “In the end, deeds speak louder than words, so when they cross that white line at three o’clock, they have to go and deliver.”

At that time, our assistance is limited.

“All of those factors come together, and as a manager, I have to live or die by the choices we make. Fortunately, we’ve made more good decisions than bad.”

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