September 22, 2024

Roy is shown (second left) with CEO Darren Royle, chairman of the Latics Frank Rothwell, and CEO Colin Bridgford of the Manchester FA.

Roy Butterworth celebrated his amazing 60 years of service at Boundary Park with an award from Manchester FA ahead of Latics’ match against Rochdale on Saturday.

This season, Roy—who turned 84 last month—began his sixth decade of employment with the team, serving as the volunteer Matchday Press Officer and offering club commentary during Latics games.

Having been a follower since the 1940s, he started volunteering in 1964 and, with the aid of the supporters’ club at the time, founded Radio Latics.

When the team was in the top division, he oversaw the matchday press. After that, he teamed up with Gordon Lawton for 14 years as an on-air commentator.

Roy still provides commentary on Latics Player for every Latics game, both at home and away.

In addition to Latics chairman Frank Rothwell and CEO Darren Royle, he received his award from Manchester FA CEO Colin Bridgford prior to the team’s match against Rochdale.

“I’ve had some brilliant times with Latics over the last 60 years and it’s been a real joy to be a part of the club,” Roy said.

“I’d like to thank Colin Bridgford and Manchester FA for this recognition, it is an award I am honoured to receive and personally means a lot.

“I’ve seen some ups and downs on the pitch over the years, but I’m fortunate to have worked alongside, and met, plenty of great people who have made my work such a fantastic experience.

“To have the opportunity to be involved behind the scenes at the club I have supported all my life has been a great privilege.”

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