September 22, 2024

The NCAA canceled amateurism hours before the beginning of Memorial Day weekend.

Talk about an all-time sentence.

Talk about an all-time Friday news dump.

As if there wasn’t already enough to talk about at SEC spring meetings next week, amateurism is dunzo. School is out for summer … and when everyone returns to campus they’ll be ready to negotiate new salaries.

The NCAA acknowledged as much in a statement after its attorneys were run over like the Notre Dame football team in the 2013 BCS national championship game. The governing body of collegiate athletics was facing the weight of three class-action lawsuits that could have ruined college sports for everyone. A deal had to be settled, and the NCAA finally — after decades of hypocrisy and gaslighting — rolled over.

It couldn’t game out its ruse any further.

There’s a lot we don’t know about the future of collegiate athletics. At this point, we can only speculate about how paying players will change college football. Immediately, in the hours after a historic legal settlement that could reshape American sports and the collegiate model, we only know this for sure. The NCAA was peddling a sham all along.


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