September 21, 2024

Brown has several causes for concern after Queen’s Park left Somerset Park with all three points

Callum Davidson praised his reign’s best Queen’s Park exhibit. Conversely, though, Scott Brown was left at the other extreme, furious at Ayr’s worst since he assumed leadership.

Leaping ahead of their opponents, Davidson’s team is now just three points out of the play-off spots. Queen’s took a well-earned lead in the first half thanks to Ruari Paton’s 21st goal of the season, and Cillian Sheridan’s third since coming sealed the victory. Queen’s finished the job, even if Ayr defender Jack Sanders made up for his terrible mistake by bringing the hosts back into the game close to the end.

“I thought the first-half is the best we have played all season,” exclaimed Davidson, beaming with happiness. We had several extremely good football plays. We didn’t play especially well in the second half and scored to go up 2-0 when we weren’t playing our best, but I was happy for the boys nonetheless.

“We were always aware that Ayr might resurface and provide us with issues. They altered their system in the second half, which may have scared us for ten or fifteen minutes.We simply examine each game. It may sound corny, but the competition is so close that a couple of victories or losses may send you reeling.

Davidson’s side were miles better at the start and took their 19th minute lead as Paton maintained his record of scoring in every game against Ayr this term. The striker ghosted into the danger area to expertly meet a terrific Louis Longridge cross and plant home a close-range header.

Ayr’ keeper Josh Clarke produced a superb point-blank stop from Jack Turner as Queen’s blew a three-on-one opportunity in the final seconds of that opening period. Brown made changes in personnel and system for the second half and it almost paid off instantly with Anton Dowds had a header saved by keeper Calum Ferrie

However, Ayr’s little comeback was cut short on the hour when Jack Sanders, a defender, passed the ball to Paton at the outskirts of his own box. The goal scorer did double duty, setting Sheridan up for a one-on-one finish against Clarke.

With 12 minutes remaining, Sanders headed home a McHugh corner after Thomas had struck the underside of the bar with an unbelievable lob. Despite having just 10 players in the end due to Thomas’ injury—which raises questions for next week—Queen’s managed to hold on, and their manager expressed his delight at Sheridan’s performance, saying, “Cillian has been great.”

When we brought him in, I believe a few people were taken aback, but we believed he could be a valuable addition to the squad. He has now scored three goals, and he still gives the club more than that. He is a knowledgeable player with that level of experience.

Brown was fuming at the setback which left his team just three points ahead of ninth-placed Inverness. He said: “That’s the worst performance since coming here. There was no composure on the ball and no real quality in the final third. We lacked aggression. We looked drained and it’s not a great sign. The one good thing is we have another game coming up on Friday.

“We have to have an understanding. We were very lucky to come in at half-time only 1-0 down. We changed the shape and started well, but an unforced error again cost us. Individual errors are costing us hugely. You can get some momentum in the game, but errors drain it away from you. The lack of quality on show was disappointing.

“We didn’t look like we were the fitter team. Queen’s Park knew they had to win the game or they’d have been five points behind us and we would have had a game in hand. Their desire was more than ours.”

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