M6 LIVE updates as stretch of motorway fully shut with severe delays

Police are responding to an incident this afternoon

Due to a police incident this afternoon, a portion of the M6 is completely closed.

The freeway is completely blocked at the moment between Crewe’s junction 16 and Sandbach’s junction 17. It’s closed on both sides.

An event has prompted police to respond. On both sides of the road, long lines are building with “severe delays,” according to traffic alert provider Inrix.

This is the scene from the M6, where traffic has been stuck between J18 and J17 for more than an hour because everyone is waiting in queue to get off at Sandbach, heading south on the M6.

One pair we met with had been stuck in traffic for more than an hour.

They declared:

Drivers are beginning to exit their cars to use the loo on the verges despite the intense heat.

“We generally travel five minutes in 26 degrees, but we’ve been stuck for more than an hour in this temperature.

“The only lane moving is the outside lane but that’s leading to a bottleneck for everyone else trying to get off at J17.”

For those unfamiliar with the junction, there are traffic lights to get off at J17 southbound, which involves a wait even in normal traffic conditions.


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