September 21, 2024

After taking a plunge from a Polish bridge to cool down, a British tourist is struggling to survive.

After leaping from the building into the ocean, Liam Fullerton broke his fall and landed on the rocks below, severely wounding his legs. He is currently in serious condition. After receiving treatment at a hospital, the 30-year-old became quite unwell and attempted to catch his flight home.

After being taken from Dundee to A&E, medics found that Liam was in septic shock and determined that he had gangrene. Liam had come to the hospital in Poznan to see a match versus Dundee FC, his hometown team, when he had an operation to remove the infection from his body.

After that, he was flown to a hospital around 200 kilometres distant, close to Gdansk, where medical professionals concentrate in wound infections. Liam has been put into a coma ever since.

Mom is devastated. Lisa stated to the Daily Record: “Liam and his friends watched the Dundee game last Saturday in Poland. He leaped off a bridge into the river to cool off in the scorching temperature, but the water was so shallow that he either hit the bottom or landed on rocks.”

“He suffered two severe wounds to his left leg and was sent to A&E right away. He attempted to depart for his journey on Sunday night after being informed he had no broken bones, but he sadly became ill and was taken back to the Poznan hospital.”

Since then, Liam’s cut near the top of his leg has developed gangrene, perhaps as a result of the tainted water. He also experienced septic shock. He

had already undergone a number of procedures to clear it and eradicate the illness.”

Liam was supposed to receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy three times a day, but after just two sessions, his body is having trouble, and X-rays have subsequently revealed that the infection has progressed to his lungs. Liam can only get this life-saving therapy by being placed in an induced coma. He is currently in serious condition, so we are pleading with all of his and our friends to pray for him and keep him in your thoughts.”

She said: “The hospital in Poznan has been unable to do anymore for him so he was airlifted to a hospital near Gdańsk where they specialise in wound bacteria.” Lisa subsequently verified that on Monday, Liam emerged from the induced coma.

Lisa went on, “This morning, I went in to visit Liam. He is currently waiting for another leg procedure, which has been going on every day to remove any dead tissue. This afternoon, he has another hyperbaric oxygen session, which should be the last of his treatment. It’s excellent news because the doctor said the infection parameters are significantly lower. Despite his suffering, he is receiving an abundance of painkillers.”

Stobswell AFC, Liam’s football team, sent their assistance to their player. “Liam is in our thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery,” they stated. Mate, you got this. Keep battling.” A GoFundraiser page has been established to help his family in Poland and with the cost of having him returned to Scotland. To date, the page has received almost £9000 in donations.

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