September 21, 2024

A brick was used by a topless shop thief to scare a worker. Rhys McGown, hiding his face behind a t-shirt, walked into the store on Lonsdale Drive in Gillingham.

After five minutes, he left the building, came back with the brick, and trailed an employee behind the counter. The victim gave McGown £200 when he requested money from the till, fearing for his safety.

On June 24, 2023, McGown left the site, and after the event, police were summoned. On July 1, McGown turned himself in at the Medway Police Station following the release of a CCTV appeal by police.
The 29-year-old Gillingham resident, of Napier Road, was subsequently accused with robbery. After entering a guilty plea, he was given a one year and four month prison sentence on Thursday, February 22.

Detective Constable Emma Laimbeer of the Kent Crime Squad stated: “This criminal put his victim through a terrible ordeal, fearing he would be injured by his assailant.” Attackers that go after neighbourhood small businesses strike at the core of the communities that rely on these establishments for their groceries and other needs.

“Criminal losses can make it difficult for business owners to continue operating, and McGown ought to feel bad about the way he behaved.

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