Five Players Lincoln City must sign This Summer

We were the first to report Michael Skubala as a probable Lincoln City head coach. We’ve also had former players, most notably Bruno Andrade and Tom Pett.

Now, without sounding pompous, that has usually been me, but this is different. This time, we’ve left Chris Laming wild on Wyscout, armed just with data and a natural drive to apply it to everything football-related. What occurred next is the stuff of legend.

I was still receiving emails with Word documents attached at 1 a.m. on a school night. I had a couple of ideas of my own, and when I presented them to him, he’d previously looked at one and included it, while he had a convincing argument against including the other. Basically, he went to nerd paradise, and I fear he won’t be ready to come down anytime soon.

He’s chosen five players who he believes would be terrific, solid signings for City. However, this is only the beginning; he has a list that is longer than your weekly grocery shopping. These are not random names picked from Twitter or plagiarised from respected websites; these are his opinions, supported by statistics and our demands.

If you enjoy a bit of a journey into players we might sign, then you’re in for a ten-minute treat right about now.

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