September 22, 2024

A man who drove a man’s getaway after he had thrown acid over a family in Colindale has been sentenced.

On Monday, February 19, Jadiel Williams-Douglas, 35 (10.04.88), of Stockingstone Road, Luton, entered a guilty plea to three counts of aiding an offender and was subsequently sentenced to 27 months in prison at Aylesbury Crown Court.

On July 12, 2021, Williams-Douglas had driven Denico Raymond to and from the address in Colindale, where the attack had taken place. Raymond, 32 (22.09.91) of Hitchin Road, Luton, entered a guilty plea to two counts of GBH and one count of ABH at Harrow Crown Court on December 8, 2022, and was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of nine years.

The court heard how Raymond, armed with a milk bottle containing sulfuric acid, had driven from Luton to the address in Colindale in a car driven by Williams-Douglas. Raymond threw the acid at the woman who answered the door; it also struck a man and a girl who was ten years old who were inside the address.

Raymond ran away, and Williams-Douglas drove him out. After receiving burn treatment at the hospital, the three victims were released from the facility. After attending the address, several officers received on-site treatment for the drug’s effects. Their conditions were all not very serious.

A thorough examination of the CCTV footage led to the identification of the car’s departure path and the prompt initiation of an inquiry. Raymond was seen on camera entering a store to buy water to treat the burns he received from throwing the acid.

After being identified by a PCSO through the video, he was taken into custody. Raymond was further connected to the incident when clothes that he had on during the attack were found at his residence.

Williams-Douglas was apprehended at his home address after being recognised and connected to the vehicle the two had taken to escape the scene.

“This sentencing comes at the end of a long investigation and I would like to thank the officers who have been involved with the case for their dedication,” stated Detective Inspector Jack Stilwell, who oversaw the investigation. Furthermore, without the victims’ bravery, these convictions would not have been possible.

“We still haven’t found a connection to the address, and neither Raymond nor Williams-Douglas ever explained why they decided to attack this family. It’s possible that they mistook each other for someone else, but surprisingly, they lacked the guts to acknowledge that. The victims of this horrific attack will always be affected by the physical and psychological trauma they endured, even after the investigation is concluded.


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