September 21, 2024

After 2023–2024, Morecambe Football Club will be able to verify its roster of players who were kept on.

Under contract:

Charlie Brown, Gwion Edwards, Stuart Moore.

Option in contract triggered:

Kayden Harrack.

Professional contract accepted:

Saul Fox-Akande.

Offer of an extended contract made:

JJ McKiernan.

Offers made during season but not accepted:

Farrend Rawson, David Tutonda, Donald Love, Joel Senior.

Not offered a contract at this time:

Adam Smith, Jacob Bedeau, Chris Stokes, Max Melbourne, Oscar Threlkeld, Jacob Davenport, Yann Songo’o, Jake Taylor, Brandon Barker, Cammy Smith, Jordy Hiwula, Jordan Slew.

Loanees returning to parent club:

Archie Mair, Nelson Khumbeni, Joe Adams, Ged Garner, Julian Larsson.

We’d like to place on record our thanks to all our outgoing players for their efforts while at the Club and wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.

The Morecambe Football Club Board of Directors has sent the open letter below to Bond Group.

Greetings, Jason

In our discussion with you today, you provided us with an update on the crucial issues of funding and the sale of the football club. We are restating our conversation with you in this open letter.

Regretfully, your promises regarding future funding have now been so consistently unfulfilled that, in the event that significant sums of money from Bond Group do not end up in the Morecambe Football Club account, they appear to be worthless, and we must regard them as such in order to be held accountable.

Regarding the prospective buyer from the Middle East that you initially said us was interested in purchasing the Club around a year ago, you haven’t given us any concrete proof or introduction during this time to make them seem respectable or real.

As far as we are aware, the only legitimate offer you have had since listing the Club for sale is from a US-based buyer, and it appears to be a serious one over 20 months ago.

Please accept this second offer now, so that there is a chance that a sale might be completed, and a catastrophic outcome be avoided.

From the Board of Directors of Morecambe Football Club.

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