September 21, 2024

I write these words having only held the position of Chief Executive for a few weeks, but in that short space of time, I have already been delighted to see the passion and loyalty from our supporters.

Everyone knows this club is a Community Asset even more so as the majority shareholding is owned by the fans. Hopefully, we can improve the club’s links with our local community in partnership with the Well Society, our Community Trust and the fans…everyone can play a part all pulling in the same direction to grow/improve the Club on and off the pitch.

My first match at Dundee is a perfect example of the loyalty and passion of our fans. With so much dubiety if the game would go ahead in the days leading up to the game, but that did not stop you travelling,  with 500 behind the goal, singing the team on to a wonderful comeback.

I would like to thank the Executive Board and club staff for the warm welcome I have received since coming into post and over the coming weeks and months I look forward to meeting you, our fans.

Since you are the ones who know the fans best, I recognise how important it is to pay attention to what they have to say on match days in particular. Please use my email address,, to contact me with any ideas, suggestions for improvement, or problems. I firmly think that “if I don’t know, I can’t fix it.”

My primary objective is, as I stated in my first interview, to unite everyone. We have a special club full of folks who genuinely care about it. Everyone wants the best for this football club, including the Executive Board, personnel, Well Society, and supporters.

I’m excited about the position, and I can tell everyone that

It is for this reason that I sincerely hope you will help the team in any manner that you can, if at all possible.

I’m excited to see and get to know each of you soon!

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