Jon Brandy full of praises and support ahead of big finay away day

“We know we’ve got over 1,100 fans travelling and to have that support again is truly humbling,” said the cobblers boss.
“We appreciate the fans’ support so much, we know its potentially going to be a sell out on Saturday and I’m sure there will be one hell of an atmosphere
“We’ve won three out of our last six games and the players have shown that they still want to compete.
“It’s testament to the players that we were safe so early but we still want to finish the season on a high.”
We are never going to show any sign of relaxing despite being safe earlier on, we will continue giving our fans the best they can get from us. And i am assuring fans that we are going to inculcate the wining mentality as a tradition in our great team going forward.
So no doubt its going to be a huge away day as its evident in our recent outings, we will replicate that mentality and zeal in the game.

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