September 21, 2024

From Tuesday 16th April, our new partners will be the highly experienced and local lottery provider NYCDA – the National Youth and Community Development Association.

This exciting new ‘weekly draw partnership’ will be called Forever Dale, with the two organisations working together to raise funds via the NYCDA Weekly Draw.

Our new partnership will generate significantly higher donations to Rochdale AFC to provide much-needed funds.

These funds will go towards Academy and youth development, community engagement initiatives, and other projects that support the Rochdale community.

So, your stake will make a significant difference to the future of the Dale, especially with the upcoming reduction to our central Academy grant from the EFL.

Establishing a mutually beneficial local collaboration that increased funds raised for the Club was a top priority when it came to our requirements for a new partner.

This collaboration accomplishes that and much more. The involvement of NYCDA Director Mark Goulbourne, a proud Rochdale native who still resides in the neighbourhood, serves as an example of this.

Mark and his family have been ardent fans of Dale for a long time. Mark is currently working on the Club’s lottery offer, much as he did with the wildly popular Goldbond back in the 1990s.

Reaching out and interacting with former members will be a major task for Mark and the NYCDA staff. They will also attempt to mend fences with canvassers, agents, and previous business associates. Please wait for further details on this.

Every week, players in the new £1 weekly draw will have the chance to win larger rewards! The top prize in the new prize fund is now a whooping £1,000, and there are other weekly rewards of £100, £50 x 2, £25 x 2, and 10 x £10 available. Moreover, there’s a £500 Rollover Extra that has the potential to rise to an amazing £10,000.

There is nothing that current Dale Lotto participants need to do in order to keep playing and supporting the Dale.

I use a standing order for payment; what else need I do? Nothing. You can continue using your standing order as usual.

What should I do if I pay by direct debit? Nothing. The transfer will be handled for you by NYCDA. The direct debit date will always be the first of the month, and your bank statement will now read “Forever Dale.”

I have a balance on my account due to my payment timing or frequency – what will happen?  Your balance will be used by NYCDA to cover your weekly draws until the next direct debit. If you are an annual subscriber, you will be in the draw until we collect your next annual subscription. If you have a small credit because your direct debit was on 1 April, you will be covered for the first Forever Dale draws.

How do I increase my subscription to improve my chances of winning and donate more to the Dale?  Please contact 01706 395791 or email

How do I cancel my subscription?  We would be sorry to see you go, particularly at a time when Dale is in need of additional funds to support our Academy. Please contact 01706 395791 or email to arrange to cancel your direct debit.

Will there be door-to-door collections again?  Whilst this was a very successful and popular model in the past, the cost, complexity and compliance challenges of door-to-door cash collections no longer make this an attractive option. However, we may run some door-to-door campaigns to sign up new players from time to time

Why are you making this change?  The end of our contract with Total Gaming Solutions has given us the opportunity to find a new partner who can generate an essential increase in donations as well as a more attractive prize fund.

Is the prize fund just for Rochdale AFC lotto players?  NYCDA operates a draw for a number of partners including Rochdale Hornets and Leeds Rhinos. All players are in the draw. This is how significantly bigger prizes can be offered whilst donating a much bigger share of the revenues to Rochdale AFC.

I only pay a 50p stake at present. Is this a problem?  No, you can still participate. However, you will only be entered in every other draw. You might like to consider increasing your stake to £1 or £2 to ensure you are in every draw – increasing your chance to win big.

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