September 21, 2024

Over fifty managers at the Sheffield, UK location will benefit from the first recognition agreement for extended team leaders that trade union Unite has reportedly achieved for Mondelez UK.

According to the deal, these employees at the Sheffield facility that makes Trevor mints, jelly beans, and liquorice allsorts will now be able to collectively bargain for better wages and working conditions.

The trade union has called the action, which comes after Unite secured recognition for the Sheffield site’s engineers earlier, a significant milestone.

With Unite firmly in their corner to deal with workplace concerns and negotiate on wages, Mondelez’s extended leadership team in Sheffield has taken a huge stride forward. Sharon Graham is the general secretary of Unite. This recognition agreement shows how Unite’s dedication to protecting the wages and working conditions of its members is continually expanded to include an increasing number of employees.

According to Chris Rawlinson, regional officer for Unite, this victory also represents a first for the UK business arm: Mondelez Sheffield’s extended leadership team is the first and only management group at Mondelez UK to receive union recognition.

Unite workplace representatives at Mondelez Sheffield have signed the recognition agreement and are getting ready to start salary discussions.

The Sheffield mondelez facility is company is biggest confectionery site in Europe, producing more than 40,000 tonnes of gum and candy every year.

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