September 22, 2024

Callum Powell, a striker for SOUTHEND United, is hoping to record a yellow card at Roots Hall tomorrow to round off the National League season.

The forward, who has been out since September due to a knee injury, made his comeback to action on Saturday against AFC Fylde.

Powell, though, is now hoping to make a bigger impact this weekend when the Shrimpers play Rochdale.

And he’s already organised a unique party.

Powell smiled, “I’m eager to take off my shirt and swing it around to show off my seven months of upper body gym work.”

“It doesn’t matter now if I received a yellow card; just fine me!

“I have family coming to watch, so it would be a great feeling if I could score on Saturday in front of the home crowd.”

“It’s something I’m definitely aiming for, and hopefully I can put it away and help us win another game.”

Before getting hurt against Aldershot Town, Powell had scored twice in 11 games. At first, he struggled to accept the gravity of his loss. “I was devastated when I first heard the news and I cried if I’m honest,” Powell admitted.

However, I put in a lot of effort, and the results exceeded my expectations.

“That’s fantastic; I finished in seven months, compared to their nine to twelve months.”

Powell believes that his ability to work diligently during his recuperation is the reason he returned earlier than expected.

Powell grinned and said, “I’m a little deluded and I don’t listen to what people say to me.”

“There’s no way that I’m going to stop working hard just because they told me to rest.”

“I was working out for three or four hours every day.

“I continued to visit the gym to maintain a certain level of fitness by working on my upper body and core stability.

With each step you take, the end of the tunnel becomes more and more visible.

“The guys are buzzing too, the closer you get, because I’m so loud and bothersome to be around!”

Prior to his recent comeback off the bench against Fylde, Powell had resumed training with his teammates.

And the 28-year-old’s reappearance made her ecstatic.

Powell remarked, “It was fantastic and it was always a feeling I hoped would come this season.”

I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time, so when the gaffer and Daz (Currie) told me to go get warm, I felt that this was what I had worked so hard for.

“It really is beyond words, and returning to the field is such a crucial step.


“It’s forward motion for me at this point.”

Powell is expected to start tomorrow’s match against Rochdale on the bench once more.

And he’s still amazed at how good the Shrimpers have been this year.

Powell remarked, “Everyone here has accomplished amazing things.”

It’s a huge accomplishment to go unbeaten for 15 games, receive a 10-point reduction, and yet be so close to the playoffs.

“It’s really impressive, everyone.”

Nonetheless, Powell is eager for Saturday’s matchup because the season is still ongoing.

Powell remarked, “Hopefully I can contribute in some way and have an impact in front of the home crowd.”

“I’m ecstatic because it’s my first home game in seven and a half months, and the fans are amazing.”

“It’s going to be awesome, and we’re all excited about it,”

“We’ll exert every effort to ensure that we conclude Season 16 undefeated.”

There is still a little possibility for the Shrimpers to make it to the postseason.

However, the forward won’t be taking a lot of a vacation this summer, whatever transpires.

Powell remarked, “I feel like I’m in a good place fitness wise and the injury feels like it was a decade ago now.”

“I can now complete my off-season work.”

“I don’t really need a break because I missed most of the season, and I’ll make sure I return next season stronger than ever.”

Powell’s contract with the Blues expires in June, and the team will shortly speak with him on his future.

He does anticipate another successful season for the Shrimpers, though.

Powell stated, “We’ll talk, but we want to be challenging because of our goals, the size of the team, and the players we have.”

“You shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself, but this season’s accomplishments speak for themselves.

“I believe we will be in and among it if we can continue to improve and add members to the group.”

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