September 21, 2024

A deranged paedophile who horribly abused “very vulnerable and very young children” through sexual abuse has spent almost forty years in prison.

Nathan Woods-Springer, 37, of Sherburn in Elmet, Leeds, was taken into custody by North Yorkshire Police officers in relation to sexual offenses against minors.

From his house, several electronic gadgets were also taken. After the devices were seized, photos of Woods-Springer abusing children sexually were found on them.


The father of the child who nearly killed the rapist by nearly strangling him to death if not for his wife who called the police ,he was also arrested for attempted murder and is said to be shouting be entering the police vehicle that he would finish the job one way or another

Nine charges of sexual abuse against minors and six counts of rape were brought against Woods-Springer. At the time of the offenses, all of the victims were extremely young. According to a representative for North Yorkshire Police, the officers made certain that the victims received specialized assistance.

In addition, Woods-Springer was accused of producing and photographing hundreds of “Category A” photos, which are the most offensive, of youngsters.

He entered guilty pleas to all of the charges at York Crown Court on February 19, 2024, and September 6, 2023. He was given a 36-year extended sentence on Friday, June 28, 2024.

North Yorkshire Police Detective Chief Inspector Carol Kirk stated: “Woods-Springer committed unspeakable pain and brutality on very young, very vulnerable children.” His behavior is repulsive, and he ought to be imprisoned.

“I want to honor the investigative team who took this terrifying case all the way to trial. Their commitment to excellence made sure Woods-Springer was held accountable for his misdeeds. In addition, I want to express my gratitude to the victims’ relatives, caregivers, and professional partners for their assistance in tending to them during this difficult period. Above everything, I applaud

“I hope the result gives victims of sexual abuse the courage to come forward. No matter how long ago it occurred, we can and will bring legal action against those responsible.

“Please report sexual abuse to the authorities, whether it is occurring now or in the past, if you are a victim of it or if you know of children who could be in danger. We’ll conduct a full investigation and make sure you get the help and information you require. Your bravery in speaking forward will shield others from abuse and aid in the prosecution of abusers.

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