September 21, 2024

A nationwide collection currently houses photographs depicting Prescot town centre, which were taken as part of the Historic England Picturing High Streets initiative.

The three-year initiative has created a modern image of England’s high streets, including the town core of Prescot.

Prescot was one of just six locations nationwide to be chosen to participate in the nationwide initiative, which involved local communities and photographers working together to produce a modern depiction of the main street. The photographs are currently housed in the Historic England Archive.

Tony Mallon was named Prescot’s Photographer in Residence in July 2021, and he collaborated with locals to produce a transient image of the community.

Tony is a photographic artist with 25 years of experience creating socially conscious art projects. He was raised in Knowsley and completed an art foundation course in Prescot.
In addition to starting the Prescot Photography Club to explore the high street through photography and portraiture, Tony organised a number of photography and memory fairs where people were invited to share their own personal photos and recollections of the region.

The photography club collaborated on the piece that was currently on exhibit at Shakespeare North Playhouse and in storefronts on Eccleston Street.

The piece was also on display in the North West of England’s Open eye Gallery, a gallery dedicated to photography.

Visit to view the Picturing High Streets Collection.

Concerning High Street Photography

A statewide digital mass involvement project, artist mentoring, and six photographer-in-residence courses at six high street locations across England were all part of the three-year Picturing High Streets project. The high streets cultural programme, run by Historic England in collaboration with Arts Council England and the National Lottery Heritage Fund, is the most extensive community-led arts and heritage activity in the public domain to date. Prescot is a part of the £95 million High Streets Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) plan, which includes the £7.4 million Cultural Programme. One of the largest community-led arts and heritage programmes in public space history will be the Cultural Programme.

Regarding the Heritage Action Zone for Prescot High Street

The High Streets Heritage Action Zone project has chosen Prescot as one of the 68 high streets to receive benefits in 2020. The Council and Historic England will make significant investments into many important initiatives in Prescot town centre as part of the £3.1 million heritage-led redevelopment programme. Furthermore, the recently formed Prescot Cultural Consortium, headed by The Shakespeare North Playhouse, will present a number of cultural events in Prescot as part of the HSHAZ Cultural Programme Local Grants.

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