September 21, 2024

The two boys were found guilty of the murder of 19-year-old Shawn Seesahai

Police have described how, in the wake of a vicious machete attack in Wolverhampton, they located and apprehended two 12-year-old killers. Investigators looking into the death of 19-year-old Shawn Seesahai discovered blood-stained clothes in a washing basket and a “bleached” blade hidden beneath a bed.

After travelling from Anguilla to the UK for eye surgery, Shawn had been residing in Birmingham for around six months when he was fatally murdered in Wolverhampton. On November 13, 2018, Shawn and a companion were at Stowlawn Playgrounds when a gang of young people approached them. A few moments later, Shawn suffered fatal injuries.

A stab wound to the chest was later determined to be the cause of death by post mortem. A second’significant’ knife was also present injury to Shawn’s head and several slash wounds.

In order to conduct forensic investigations, West Midlands Police detained the scene, which was located in the city’s East Park neighbourhood, overnight. Along with searching CCTV, officers started interacting with witnesses.

The next evening, the two 12-year-old boys—who are too young to be named—were taken into custody. The kid had attempted to hide his traces by bleaching a machete, which was discovered in a storage area beneath his bed, the force disclosed. At one of the boys’ houses, there was also a tracksuit with what appeared to be blood spots on it, found in a wash basket.

After being confiscated, a cell phone underwent forensic analysis, which turned up numerous pictures of big knives and other weapons. A recent inquiry was conducted to find out “how many criminal records are required to leave the country.”

The two lads were present at the scene, according to witnesses, and forensic phone investigation confirmed that they were there when the fatal incident occurred. But both boys denied murder during police interrogations, and they declined to answer any more questions.

At Nottingham Crown Court, after a trial that lasted for a month, both young people were found guilty of killing Shawn. One person acknowledged having a weapon, while the other was found guilty of the same offence. Their sentencing is scheduled for a later time.

The investigation’s primary investigator, Det Insp Damian Forrest, commented after the decision: “Our thoughts have always been with Shawn’s family, who have been devastated by his death.” We can only hope that, now that Shawn’s killers have been found guilty, they experience some measure of peace.

“It was really disturbing to learn early in the inquiry that the person(s) who killed Shawn were just 12 years old. However, it didn’t lessen our commitment or zeal to see Shawn’s killers held accountable.”
He went on, “We put in a lot of effort to prove what transpired that night and to convince the jury that both guys were to blame for Shawn’s passing. Our investigators assembled the evidence that has led to Shawn’s killers being found guilty by carefully and respectfully working with all parties involved, some of whom were themselves very young. Shawn’s tragic passing serves as yet another warning about the potentially irreversible effects that carrying a gun can have on one’s life as well as the lives of those around one.

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