September 21, 2024

Clubs will vote this week on VAR and whether to keep using it after so much debate following Wolves’ latest motion.

After been the victim of several bad decisions lately, Wolves officially opposed VAR and its implementation in football in a resolution issued to the Premier League.

Wanderers provided nine arguments against the use of VAR, and the team received a great deal of support from impartial parties for their position.

Many others agreed with Wolves that technology had negatively impacted football.

Wolves’ resolution prompted all 20 Premier League clubs to vote, and that vote is happening this week at the AGM. Word has already leaked out about how the vote is anticipated to proceed.

Premier League clubs set to vote to keep VAR after Wolves motion

According to a report published in The Telegraph today, Wolves’ plan to eliminate VAR would be voted down by Premier League teams.

To get VAR eliminated, Wolves’ proposal needs to be voted on by 14 of the 20 teams.

However, it appears that Wolves have not garnered enough backing, as clubs are generally in favour of “evolution rather than revolution.”

It’s interesting to note that three teams—two of the “Big Six,” Liverpool, Manchester United, and West Ham United under Julen Lopetegui—are actually listed as supporters of VAR. They think the system should continue, perhaps with some changes.

Manager Gary O’Neil, who has made no secret of his distaste for VAR in 2024, will be devastated if clubs decide to keep it.

Jeff Shi, the chairman, will also be unhappy. Shi made an unexpected statement following Wolves’ equaliser against West Ham being disallowed by VAR.

Improvements are essential if VAR is to stay

Despite several great comments the club made on the usage of VAR, it is unfortunate to read that clubs plan to vote down Wolves’ proposal.

Therefore, VAR needs to be significantly improved if it is to remain in use; we cannot have a replay of the previous season, where the standards were on the pitch.

VAR rulings have harmed many other teams in addition to Wolves, and it just cannot occur when there is so much riding on each game.

Changes must be made to the system. Because of the excessively high degree of controversy from the previous Premier League season, supporters are no longer able to enjoy games in the same manner.

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